So, why is the world economy so eff'ed up? Because nobody is WORKING! We're all sitting around busily arguing about or largely being befuddled by shite such as this latest "buzz around the internet"! And it led to a not-so-short discussion here in the office. Part of...
Are Sales Really Ever “Extended by Popular Demand”?
I frequently see marketing from a company that makes a product (a very lovely product!) that happens to be a not-so-cheap entirely-discretionary purchase... and I've just received marketing from a local hotel chain that struck me insofar as both companies are using...
My First Actual Blog Post. Or, Rant #1.
As I sit in the airport in Buffalo, I have two things on my mind. The second is the piece I listened to on the CBC as I rounded the western end of Lake Ontario. The topic: old age pensions in Canada. Let me tell you, the topic of pensions gets to me. See, I own a...